How Hydrojetting Works
Hydrojetting is a plumbing service that consists of hot water being delivered into a pipe under high-pressure. When there is a clog that won’t move with traditional treatments, blasts of water at up to 4,000 psi are sent into the pipe to obliterate the clog and get everything moving again. This high-powered treatment is environmentally friendly and can even scrape down the insides of the pipe without causing any damage. What once was a clogged pipe that wouldn’t allow anything to pass through can end up like new under the skilled hand of an experienced pro.
The Treatment and Prevention
Some businesses in the Leesburg, FL area use hydrojetting as a preventative measure, to avoid any disruptions. Typically, these businesses include restaurants, hotels and others that rely on garbage disposals, drains and their plumbing system to operate efficiently. During a busy restaurant service, a clogged garbage disposal can mean big trouble, so it makes sense to use hydrojetting for prevention in these instances. Hydrojetting can help businesses of all shapes and sizes keep their plumbing systems flowing efficiently, and remove any sudden clogs to keep customers happy and keep the doors open.
DIY Dangers
It can be tempting to try and save yourself some money and take a shot at hydrojetting your own drain clog, but it will only end in disappointment. Most homeowners don’t have access to equipment that even approaches the power of professional hydrojetting, and even if they did, the potential for injury and damaging your pipes is too high. A professional plumber has the skill and experience to clean your drains with high-pressure water without causing any unwanted damage. Save yourself the trouble and call in a professional to get that drain cleaned properly.